Suplemento TheraCran® Max Cranberry & D-Manosa (se envía desde EE. UU., llega en 11 a 14 días)
Terapia con aniones Max ofrece una combinación de contenido certificado Extracto de arándano y D-manosa pura para brindar la protección de más amplio espectro para la salud del tracto urinario en justo dos cápsulas por día.*
- Máximo defensa diaria: pagprovee 40 mg de proantocianidinas solubles (PAC) y 1.000 mg de d-manosa para promover el tracto urinario salud.*
- Soporte de doble acción: cEl arándano y la D-manosa eliminan las bacterias del tracto urinario de dos maneras únicas: cada persona Apuntando diferentes tipos de volverTería.*
- El único suplemento de arándano y D-manosa probado y certificado independientemente por NSF® International.
- Fabricado en EE. UU. en unas instalaciones que cumplen con las normas GMP.
What are proanthocyanidins?
Cranberries contain both soluble and insoluble PACs. Soluble PACs help keep E. coli bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract, and research suggests that at least 36 mg of soluble PACs is beneficial. Insoluble PACs work in the gut to limit E. coli attachment, promoting immune and gut health.*
What is d-mannose?
Are there any side effects from taking TheraCran Max?
How is TheraCran Max different from drinking cranberry juice?
TheraCran Max also contains d-mannose. TheraCran Max provides 1,000 mg of d-mannose per daily dose as an added layer of protection.*
TheraCran Max is virtually calorie- and sugar-free. In comparison, eight ounces of cranberry juice cocktail contains about 110 calories and 25 grams of sugar.
TheraCran Max is more shelf stable. Many experts in the cranberry field suggest that the soluble PAC content of cranberry juice decreases the longer it sits on the shelf. But, TheraCran Max contains a stable cranberry extract and effectively maintains its PAC content up to the expiration date shown on the bottle.
Can I take TheraCran Max if I have diabetes?
Can I open the TheraCran Max capsules if I have trouble swallowing them?
Does TheraCran Max interact with other dietary supplements or prescription medications?
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