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Nutrition Guide To Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Nutrition Guide To Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding is an incredible way to nourish and bond with your little one. Every breastfeeding journey is unique – it’s up to you how long you continue to breastfeed, but every drop of liquid gold you provide your baby is entirely worth it.

As you nurture your beautiful breastfeeding relationship, you may start to think about welcoming another little one to your family. And if that’s the case, you’ve probably got some questions. Can you get pregnant while breastfeeding? Is that possible? Is it safe?

The short answer: yes. But it’s important to focus on getting the right nutrients to optimize your fertility, while also ensuring your breastfed baby continues to get the nutrition they need to thrive.

Consider this your nutrition guide to getting pregnant while breastfeeding.

Critical Nutrients for Getting Pregnant While Breastfeeding

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and World Health Organization (WHO) both advocate for continued breastfeeding until age two and beyond. So, if your breastfeeding relationship is still mutually beneficial for you and your little one, you don’t have to stop – even if you’re trying to conceive. Keep in mind that once you become pregnant, you may experience some changes in your breast milk, but this doesn’t affect its quality.

Prioritize these nutrients to support your breastfeeding journey and your fertility journey simultaneously.

Vitamin D For Fertility*

Your vitamin D level is critical when thinking about conceiving. For women trying to conceive naturally, those with healthy vitamin D levels have better odds of conception.*

Several studies look at the effects of vitamin D among women going through fertility treatment. Many studies link healthy vitamin D levels with higher pregnancy rates and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.*

Vitamin D supplements are beneficial for fertility and are also considered safe to continue during pregnancy and nursing.*

Vitamin D While Breastfeeding

While breastfeeding, vitamin D is essential for your baby’s overall growth and development.* For most women, breast milk doesn’t contain the amount of vitamin D recommended for their baby. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends giving babies who are exclusively nursing 10 mcg (400 IU) of infant vitamin D drops each day. But for many moms, giving vitamin D drops is difficult since some babies don’t like the taste. In fact, research has shown that less than 20% of nursing moms give their babies vitamin D drops each day. Because of this low compliance rate, many nursing babies run the risk of not getting enough vitamin D.

A more recent study asked breastfeeding moms about vitamin D supplementation. Surprisingly, over 85% reported that they would prefer to take a vitamin D supplement themselves rather than give their baby drops.

A study by Dr. Bruce Hollis explains how much vitamin D is needed while nursing. In this study, mothers took 160 mcg (6,400 IU) of vitamin D daily. Their infants achieved the same vitamin D blood level as those given 10 mcg (400 IU) daily by dropper. So, these babies received enough vitamin D through breast milk alone.

As your baby is introduced to solid foods, you can begin to take less vitamin D. At this stage, your breast milk is not the sole source of food for your baby. Your nursing child should be able to get enough vitamin D from your breast milk and solid foods rich in vitamin D, such as eggs and fortified cereals.

Vitamin D During Pregnancy

If you get pregnant while breastfeeding, you can take up to 100 mcg (4,000 IU) of vitamin D each day. This dose will meet both your nursing baby and your needs while pregnant. Research shows that 100 mcg of vitamin D is safe and effective for achieving a healthy vitamin D level during pregnancy.*


Folate is involved with many of the body’s everyday processes, and it’s particularly important if you’re trying to get pregnant.* The neural tube forms during early pregnancy, often before you even know you’re pregnant. Healthful diets with adequate folate may reduce a woman’s risk of having a child with a brain or spinal cord birth defect.

Breastfeeding mothers require about 500 mcg dietary folate equivalents (DFE) per day. That’s enough to support fertility, too. Make sure you include plenty of folate-rich foods, like leafy greens, citrus fruits, beans, and peanuts. Most experts recommend taking a high-quality folate supplement during your reproductive years to ensure you meet your needs.


Choline is a critical nutrient while trying to conceive and during pregnancy and lactation. This nutrient is a vitamin-like compound that supplies building blocks for other compounds in the body. It has many roles, including cell membrane signaling and lipid transport.*

It is important to get enough choline while trying to conceive. Choline works along with folate in neural tube formation.* 

Although your body can make small amounts of choline, it can’t make enough to meet your needs. During pregnancy, these needs increase to 450 mg and go up to 550 mg during lactation.

Your requirement for choline is higher during lactation than at any other time during your life. Despite choline’s importance, few women get enough in their diet. National survey results show that only 6% of women in the U.S. meet the recommended amount of choline each day.

To get enough, eat foods rich in choline, like meat, poultry, eggs, Brussels sprouts, and broccoli. In some cases, you may also need to take a supplement to get the amount your body requires.

DHA (docosahexaenoic acid)

DHA is an omega-3 fatty acid connected to brain, vision, and nervous system development, and it’s important for your nursing baby.* It accumulates rapidly in the baby’s brain, starting during the second trimester of pregnancy and continuing until age 2. The amount of DHA in your breast milk depends on the amount of DHA you get in your diet or through supplements. Most health experts recommend a supplement containing at least 200 mg of DHA during lactation. Studies show that DHA supplied through breast milk may increase your baby’s DHA level better than giving DHA directly to your baby.

If you become pregnant while breastfeeding, you may experience changes in breast milk.

Between the fourth and eighth month of pregnancy, breast milk will usually change over to colostrum in anticipation of birth. It’s fine for an older child who is nursing to consume colostrum. However, be aware that colostrum has a natural laxative effect. Your older child may experience more frequent, looser stools. The colostrum will be present until the baby is born, and the colostrum usually changes over to mature milk three to four days after birth.

If you are considering getting pregnant while breastfeeding, you can meet your unique nutrient needs by choosing a prenatal vitamin that supplies folate, vitamin D, choline, and DHA.

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